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Unique Challenges That Women CEOs Face

Though progress toward gender equality in the workplace has certainly advanced in recent years, the ratio of women CEOs to their male counterparts remains overwhelming. As of May 2018, only 24 Fortune 500 CEOs were women. Because of this lack of diversity, women CEOs must face a number of challenges in order to succeed — and simply survive.


Equal Treatment

Sexism is unfortunately still prevalent in society, and the workplace is rarely an exception. For a woman in charge of a company, she must cope with male employees discrediting her opinions, painting her as emotional, or projecting other negative stereotypes on her for no other reason than her gender. Facing this challenge is not easy; a woman CEO must stand her ground and address bias when it arises in order to create an image of someone who is capable of overcoming adversity, which is something most men, especially white men, do not have to worry about.


Cultivating a Voice

In many environments, it is still commonly ingrained that women should be cautious of their volume and how much space they fill. Tasks like requesting funds or stating that a meeting must be rescheduled becomes more difficult than necessary because of this awareness and subsequent hesitation. When in a position of power, women must unlearn these lessons and teach themselves how to use their voices to express opinions, hold discussions, and disagree with others who might disapprove of her thoughts. Many women are fearful of negative reactions, but when a woman is a CEO, she must be willing and eager to make her ideas known. This is an obstacle for women that men, who are often raised to be openly opinionated and vocal, do not face, and it is one that requires constant practice.


Pregnancy & Early Childhood

Though not every woman CEO will experience pregnancy or motherhood while in a position of power, most men in leadership roles will never have to deal with the challenges that accompany childbirth and motherhood. Not only is managing time made difficult with raising children and prenatal doctors appointments, but making sure the mother’s health is taken care of in addition to controlling a company seems almost impossible. Still, women in CEO positions are expected to continue as normal in spite of their additional concerns. Fathers may take on some of the parental duties, but generally, it is expected that women care for their children which makes navigating a leadership role challenging in a way many men do not understand.


While women are taking command of growing companies and making a mark on the economic world, they still face unique challenges that hinder their progress. It is empowering to see how women CEOs struggle and fight to succeed, but they should be treated more equally and with more respect in order to encourage more women to seek greater accomplishments without unnecessary limitation.

Gut-Check Questions Entrepreneurs Ask Everyday

The number of decisions entrepreneurs make on a daily basis can be astounding. On any given day there can be multiple big or small choices that can affect the future in significant ways. Decisions such as what opportunities to keep putting their hard work into and which ones to move on from, for example.

One tactic many entrepreneurs have started doing to keep their heads level throughout the day is asking themselves specific questions to keep them on track with hitting their goals. Doing this makes it easier for you to stay focused on what’s most important and will help lead you to your desired outcome. When you understand your motivations and deeper feelings that surround your business you can more easily clarify your plans for the future. Here are some questions you can use as a daily check-in before you hit the office.

1. Why are you doing what you do?
This is one of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself. It forces you to examine your desires, impulses, and morals. When you ask yourself this question, you can reinforce and remind yourself of the reasons why you have chosen to walk this path. If you don’t know the answer to this question, you may need to reconsider some things.

2. What is the purpose of your company?
Can you answer this question in one sentence only? If you’re having trouble, remember your mission statement which should clearly, and in a few words, embody the heart of your company. The heart of your company is the foundation on which everything else is built upon and reminding yourself of it before you get to work can help you make decisions more efficiently.

3. What’s your business standpoint right now?
Where is your business right now? Answering this question will give you an emotional and analytical assessment of your business. How are you feeling emotionally about how things have been moving? What about logistically? What’s going right and what needs to change? Think of this one as a check-in. It can easily show you when a shift is necessary.

4. What’s next?
What’s next for you? For your business? This is one of the most critical questions to ask yourself. As an entrepreneur, you need to be able to look towards the future and anticipate what’s next for both you and your company. Change is inevitable, do what you can to make it work in your favor!

How To Relieve Stress in the Workplace

As much as we try to deny its existence, we all suffer from stress, especially in the workplace. Stress is not one to play around with as many studies have proven that it can cause real physical problems such as headaches, upset stomach, increased blood pressure, chest pain, and interrupted sleeping. It can also affect you mentally in the form of anxiety and depression. Now, they say the average business professional is dealing with 30 to 100 projects. That alone can cause massive amounts of stress on any individual. It is important not to let the stress consume you as it can cause worse side effects. Let’s take a look at some tips that can help you relieve stress in the workplace.



Regular exercise has been known as a natural stress reducer due to its mood-boosting and endorphin-releasing properties. These studies which date back to the early 80’s have proven that regular exercise can improve your mood. A study in 1999, in fact, revealed that working out was as effective as antidepressants. Exercise can also help you focus more on positive thoughts rather than stressful thoughts. You will be training yourself to be in the moment and focus on your body’s movements, so it can work as a form of active meditation and have a calming effect on the body and the mind. Aim for at least thirty minutes of physical activity every day.


Get More Organized

Many times, the reason why you feel stressed is due to an overwhelming feeling of not having everything together. So, a great way to create a major reduction in your stress is by getting a better handle on your work through prioritizing and organizing. First, you want to set clear objectives of what you hope to accomplish. Then, you need to prioritize based on your goals. So, think about the things you plan on doing throughout the day and ask yourself if any of these are moving you closer to your goal. If they aren’t, then they should not be a priority. By organizing yourself and how you delegate the tasks for your day, you will start to have a better feeling about what you’re doing and thus have less stress on your mind.


Seek Support

If you notice that your stress levels are not improving, then you might want to seek some support. This could be from a fellow co-worker or your supervisor. Regardless of who it is, you will need to let someone know what you are going through so that they can direct you in the right direction of recovery. You should not feel like you must go through this by yourself. Your co-worker can give you tips on how they handle stress which can help you moving forward. Your supervisor can possibly give you fewer projects to work if the workload is becoming too much. However, you will never discover any of these solutions if you do not reach out.

Maintaining A Work-Life Balance

Trying to maintain a work-life balance has always been a major stress factor in the workforce. Even when work was strictly considered a 9-5 commitment, removing yourself from workplace responsibilities has always been a challenging task. Today, it is even more difficult due to the rise of mobile technology. We now live in a world where people are working in roles that they consider to be “always on” jobs. Whether they are at the office, or at home, they constantly find themselves doing something work-related (answering a call, replying to an email, etc.). It is important, however, that we strive to create that work-life balance so that we can live healthier, happier, and more productive lives. Take a look at these tips to help you maintain a work-life balance.


Respect Your Boundaries

You cannot achieve this balance if you do not respect your own boundaries. In addition, if you do not respect your boundaries, you cannot expect anyone else to either. You must work on developing a lifestyle of predictability, at least as it pertains to work. So, train yourself to know that once 5pm hits, you are done working for the day. That means no more calls, no more emails, and no more data tracking, etc. In the beginning, this will be tough to grow into because you will always feel like there is something more to do. However, this is where your boundaries come in. You have to show enough respect to yourself and your boundaries so that others can follow suit.


Pace Yourself

Many people who are hard-working and passionate about what they are doing tend to dive into many different projects at once. But, if you want to enjoy a healthy and productive life, you need to understand the value of pacing yourself. Yes, there will be moments when you need to amp things up and go full throttle, but there will also be times when you need to settle down and take things easy. Give your mind and body that needed rest, so that you can come back fully charged and ready to throttle back up again. Self-awareness will be crucial in these situations. You need to understand how much you can handle at any given moment and when you need to slow things down and take a break.


Enjoy A Social Life

So many people get caught up in their work and they forget to spend time with their friends and family. You should not limit your social life because of work as it will only lead to unhealthy relationships with the people you love. Make sure that you are setting aside time every evening to spend time with your family. If you have time on the weekends, spend time with close friends and catch up on things. Do not allow your work life to consume your social life because you will find that it may cause you to burn out very quickly, and you will lose all motivation to do anything.

5 Things You Can Do Every Morning For A More Productive Day

As the saying goes, “the early bird gets the worm.” Now getting up early in the morning is not necessarily an easy task, nor is it a desirable task for most people. However, for those who can resist the urge to hit the snooze button and get out of bed at the sound of their first alarm, it leads to the opportunity to make for a more productive day. It is so crucial to start your morning on the right foot as it can set the tone for the rest of the day. Our body’s natural clock known as its circadian rhythm runs on a 24-hour cycle, and this helps to regulate sleep, energy levels, metabolism, and any other bodily functions. How you choose to start your day, can either help or hurt keep that clock running on time. Take a look at five things that you can do every morning to make for a productive day.



This can be one of the hardest actions to do first thing in the morning, but getting that sweat at the start of your day can reap some incredible benefits. Regarding health, exercising in the morning when you wake up can get your heart going and burn fat while your glycogen stores are still depleted after fasting throughout the night. Exercising also releases endorphins which are chemicals that are produced in the brain to help minimize pain and discomfort while increasing wellbeing. These endorphins also help to reduce stress hormones so that you can start the day in control. Getting some movement in first thing in the morning also activates your nervous system which gets your body to stay active throughout the day.


Eat A Good Breakfast

Your body gets its energy from the food you eat. This is why they say that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” because starting your day with food is one of the most energizing things you can do. This will get your metabolism going, and your body will be able to use those calories as energy. With that in mind, you want to make sure that what you put in your body to start the day is good fuel the be used. So be sure to include lean protein, some whole grains, fruits or vegetables, and dairy into that first meal to keep it well balanced.



Many experts have suggested meditation as a great way to start the day with a clear head. There are so many physical and mental benefits that come with it. By taking simply two minutes in the morning to find a quiet place to sit with your eyes closed while repeating a short mantra can have an incredibly calming effect and allow you to tackle whatever tasks you have coming up in the day. Even if you are a big fan of meditating per se, taking some time to do some breathing exercises can be just as effective to help your head and get you started.


Take A Nice Shower

Studies have actually shown that taking a shower in the morning is much better for you than taking a shower at night. You may not realize it, but you sweat in your sleep at night which is beneficial to release any toxins in the body. So by taking a good shower in the morning, you can rinse any excess sweat from your body to help you feel refreshed and ready for the day.


Make a To-Do List

This might seem like a stressful way to start the day, but it can prove to be extremely useful. By writing out a list of the tasks that you need to complete for the day, and prioritizing them can help you accomplish much more than you may have anticipated. Now, it doesn’t have to be an extensive minute-by-minute itinerary of what you will do throughout the day but merely mapping out all the major tasks that need to be completed for the day and when they need to be completed by. This can allow you to have much more time on your hands and make you more organized.

Making the Right Impression Book Review

As the saying goes, “you only get one chance to make a good first impression.” Plus on top of that, you only get less than 10 seconds to make that good first impression. With that in mind, it is so crucial to be able to make that first impression a positive and lasting one especially in the medical field. There are many books and programs out there that are geared towards helping you make that first impression, and while some of them can be effective, they can typically be quite general in their targeted audience. That is where Making The Right Impression comes to play. Making The Right Impression written by strategic master Jason Drewelow is the perfect book that is all about increasing your patient acquisition and retention through dental design and construction by managing the first and last impression your office makes. So considering that you only get 10 seconds to do this, it is imperative to make every little detail count.


The author, Jason Drewelow is the leader of Primus Dental which is a planning, architecture, and management firm that specializes in dental and medical offices. He also serves as a strategic advisor to hundreds of different doctors for an array of situations. Whether it is a practice start-up or large group practices with multiple locations, he provides guidance to help improve their facilities which bring us to his book Making The Right Impression. In this book, you will receive crucial knowledge that is useful to your success as a dentist. Some of this information will be things that might not have been covered in dental school. This book will give you insights to envisioning your new space, deciding to renovate, expand, or build a new practice, picking an optimal location, negotiating and financing your new project, designing your new space from the ground up, and the interior design of successful practices. The kinds of lessons this book with will teach are also numerous. You will learn things such as, why the first impression of your office may be as negative as walking into the DMV and how to fix it, how one independent dentist now sees 80 patients a month which is a 35% increase from his previous numbers as well as how he saved $240,000 in out-of-pocket expenses and 55 words to say to a landlord to “force” them to let you make improvements which can save you time, money, and headaches, plus much more in this incredibly helpful book. Nick Morio DDS MS says “This book should be called: ‘What They Didn’t Teach You in Dental School’ and that it is a must-have for the dentist-turned business owner.


Now usually for books of this nature, you can expect to spend a pretty penny given all the information you are going to receive. What makes Making The Right Impression so great is that you get the book with all this useful knowledge completely free of charge. This means you will have the opportunity to dive in the mind of the leader of dental planning and design and it will not even cost you a dime. So if you are looking to take that leap and find ways to grow your dental business, head over to and sign up for your free copy today!


Primus Dental Blog

Check out the latest post from Jason Drewelow on Primus Dental’s blog entitled: “Dental Tactics and Dental Strategies – The Handmaidens of Marketing” here.

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Jason Drewelow is the General Manager with Primus Dental Design & Construction, a planning, design and construction firm in Cedar Rapids, Iowa that specializes in dental and medical office facilities.  After being with Primus Construction for seven years as a Marketing Manager and Vice President of Sales, Jason decided that it would benefit the company to have a specific focus on dental construction and he quickly developed in his current role – working with doctors on the strategic planning process to help them find what makes the most sense for their individual practice.  Mr. Drewelow’s background  in real estate development and pre-construction services has benefitted Primus and has brought about nearly 50 construction projects to the region over the last four years.

Full Bio



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